Ecology and sustainability. These issues are deeply important to our society and the future of our planet, yet more often than not these subjects are framed for political gain or pure and simple click-bait.
It is in this context that Echooo intervenes. Échooo is an independent magazine that provides, clear, unbiased information to the growing audience who is aware of these problems and want to be informed and change the impact that they have on the planet.
The client came to us with a brand and magazine design that were not attractive, nor did they represent her ambitions. In order to succeed with their crowdfunding campaign and launch, we advised them to start from scratch, with the development of a strong branding and a consistent communication strategy on all platforms.
The agency worked on the entire visual identity, starting by finding a new name for the magazine. EcosysTer became Echooo, a magazine that addresses ecology and empowers citizens to take action through information that echoes their values.
The result is a “camaleonic” brand, that adapts to the world around it (in this case, the images) while always remaining clean and elegant.
As part of this project, WISE was able to help the client consolidate its online and global presence through several levers:
- visual identity
- design of the magazine
- creation of a landing page
- creation of a crowdfunding page and campaign strategy
- influence strategy
- social media strategy
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