We help you set clear goals for your project and achieve them through beautiful design, simple code and clever marketing strategies.

SEO Project Update #9

It’s month 9 of project Jupiter already! Time flies, and in this month’s report we have some interesting developments to share.

To be fair we were not able to pick up the publication phase as we wanted, but just like last month, that hasn’t prevented the site from growing in traffic.

What we did

During the month of May we published 3 new articles. A lot less than we hoped for… this was basically due to three reasons:

  • 2 writers could not continue to work with us for personal reasons.
  • We have one great article which is ready to publish, but when editing it became obvious that having a supporting article to expand on some concepts would really help readers understand a relatively complex topic. So we are now working on that supporting article and plan to publish them both at the same time during June.
  • A writer who had been collaborating with us for a few months decided to take a shortcut and submitted two AI written articles… As much as we enjoy and appreciate AI we don’t think it can compete with good human-written content, so we had to discard those two articles… the writer has gone MIA after that…

We also decided to rethink our categories. After 9 months we now know more about what Google is liking (and ranking) and what it isn’t, and therefore what we might be focusing on more in the future. This means some categories we are not going to focusing much going on could be combined to create a more generic one with more content.

Current state

  • The site currently has a total of 52 published articles
  • We have a total of 53 pages ranking for 1000+ different queries.
  • SERPs spread:
    • 13 queries in the #1 position
    • 27 queries in the top #5
    • 32 queries in the top #10
    • 90 queries in the top #30
  • Backlinks: 2 (we gained 1 more link, completely organic from a website we didn’t even know existed).
  • During this month the site received a total of 1490 organic visits from Google. That makes it 3 months in a row that traffic is doubling month over month 🙂

See anything special about this graph?

It sure is on a nice and steady upwards trend, and our average CTR has also increased from last month, but what we are more excited about is the beginning of a visible pattern.

Every week the site’s traffic spikes, and it always does so on Saturdays.

This makes perfect sense for the niche the site is in, but the fact that Google is giving us more impressions during the weekend means Google is clearly understanding the intent of our content and matching it with the search intent of users. The increased CTR is just the consequence, and we hope will only treasure Google in their assumptions about this site so that they can keep showing it to the right audience.

What’s next

  • Keep publishing! probably 6 to 8 new articles.

That’s it for the May’s update. See you in the next update!